The purpose of an internal IT department is, in theory, twofold: first, they are supposed to strategise a future for the company’s information technology, with the secondary responsibility of troubleshooting and tending to the technological issues a business faces. However, the reality is that many IT departments find themselves with no time to innovate, as they are swamped under service requests for technical issues.
This winds up costing the business in a few ways. First and foremost, what is the IT department really being paid for?
Theoretically, an IT department is generally supposed to be spending their time planning methods for your business to innovate and improve; technical support services being a secondary responsibility. Under this system, the team is able to come up with solutions that better serve the company’s needs and allows it to advance and improve. If there is the occasional IT issue, they take steps to resolve it, but otherwise, their time is spent looking forward.
In a perfect world, this could very well be the case, but this arrangement is exceptionally rare in reality. Try as they might to innovate, IT departments are too often interrupted by a service request or technical issue to maintain a purposeful stream of thought, often for an issue that can be resolved with a quick reboot.
Meanwhile, time marches on, and the team is never available to prepare for changes and make the necessary upgrades. Ultimately, a business could quickly find itself behind the innovation curve, slipping further and further back in effectiveness. As a result, the IT department is called more often to patch up the symptoms of a greater problem, preventing them from solving that problem until serious operational deficiencies result.
As is quite apparent, the tendency for an in-house team to be repeatedly pulled away from their work is simply unsustainable. However, hiring additional IT resources to compensate for the fluctuating needs of the rest of a staff is also unrealistic. sme it can offer a solution that rests comfortably between the two.
We can resolve both your end user’s issues and relieve your IT department of their additional workload by offering our Help Desk services within your company. Taking responsibility for the day-to-day support requests, sme it can leave your internal team free to continue their innovative processes. As a result, your business will no longer have to choose sustainability over growth, and you will be once again capable of seeing your company move forward.
If you’re sick of sacrificing your business for the sake of your business, call us on 01708 547 000.